Frequently Asked questions
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Schedule a free meet-and-greet with Dr. Wong to secure your membership and establish care.
A geriatrician is recommended for adults ages 65+ diagnosed with dementia, adults ages 75+ depending on others for help with basic daily activities, and all adults ages 85+. If you do not fit into these categories, you can invest in a relationship with Dr. Wong now as conditions of older age may arise over time.
Dr. Wong completed her internal medicine and geriatrics training at UC San Francisco, a top-rated institution in both specialties. As a geriatrician, she has board-certified qualifications for general adult primary care with added expertise in conditions unique to older age.
W Geriatrics welcomes people with all insurance plans or no insurance plan. The monthly membership is out-of-pocket, and the practice does not bill insurance for Dr. Wong's services. It is important to note that the W Geriatrics membership is not the same as health insurance.
We recommend that you have your own insurance to help cover labs, medications, specialists, hospital visits, and nursing home stays.
Not quite. Both direct primary care and concierge medicine aim for better access to your doctor. Concierge medicine typically bills insurance for each visit, collects co-pays each visit, and charges the membership fee on top of insurance for access to the doctor. W Geriatrics, as a direct primary care practice, provides personalized care under the monthly membership, without billing insurance.
In today's healthcare system, traditional primary care doctors that take insurance must cover ~2000 patients to make ends meet. This leads to few available appointments, rushed visits, NPs and PAs filling in, and burned out doctors that barely know you. Patients often spend more money paying for specialists, urgent care, emergency room visits, even hospitalizations when they do not have a reliable relationship with their doctor.
W Geriatrics members have direct access to Dr. Wong at all hours, unlimited, extended visits with same or next-day availability, and comprehensive care that can reduce unnecessary outside visits.
An initial 3-month minimum commitment is required for Dr. Wong to understand your history and get your health on track. Afterward, membership is month-to-month, and you can cancel at any time.
Dr. Wong's expertise in complex medical management can reduce unnecessary specialist visits. You can continue to see the specialists you were seeing before joining W Geriatrics. New referrals can be ordered as needed. Dr. Wong will keep close communication with all specialists involved in her patients' care to make sure recommendations are appropriate and followed.
Dr. Wong is not in-network for HMO insurances, so she would need to work with your HMO primary care doctor for referrals to be covered.
Members will receive advance notice of Dr. Wong’s planned vacations and as much notice as possible for unplanned absences. A covering physician may be arranged for urgent in-person visits. Members will receive a complete summary of their health history and medications to take with them to urgent care or emergency room visits that may happen during her time away.
New enrollees must be stable in the community, meaning housed and not actively hospitalized or undergoing rehab at a nursing home.
Dr. Wong does not have privileges to act as the primary physician in hospitals or nursing homes. During hospitalizations and nursing home stays, Dr. Wong will stay in close contact with the care team for continuity.
No, chronic controlled substances are not prescribed at W Geriatrics. If you already have a long-term prescription for a narcotic, sedative, stimulant, or controlled sleep medicine, then it must be managed by your pain specialist, psychiatrist or sleep specialist. Controlled substances for acute conditions and/or palliative care will be considered on a case-by-case basis.